Young and the Restless revolves around the rivalry, romance, hope and fear of the inhabitants of the fictional Midwestern metropolis, Genoa Citi. Life and love are mixed in various forms through the generations, dominated by family Newman, Abbott and winter. When the show premiered in 1973, opjeRevolucija in the daytime. He continues to set standards with a strong character, socially conscious story lines, romance and sensuality. Young and the Restless prem’iera26 March 1973, and was the first 30 minutesof the show. It was only in January 1980 that the show was a uurwys, as it is today. Emissions ran for years at 12:30 on the east coast, and at 11:00 on the west coast. Over the years, many things happen, but there were many Storilines reduction, many people were abducted and many people, he also character crossoversdrugi CBS soap, bold and beautiful. it sluitpsigotiese Sheila Carter, who naMolodi start and arrogant and her psychotic state of the brave and beautiful. The same goes for Lauren Fenmore, whichcan also be seen in the bold and beautiful at the time. Young and Restlessnije like other soap that gives the surreal life. This show, but on the basis of people’s lives in a small town called Genoa City, Wisconsin, where money is plentiful and so are the women. Many times we want to be able to live in this small, middle zapadagrad to see iakzhittia would really was. Sometimes we have aside their problems and sorgoor what will happen next on the show. We were very happy thatis no peace, because it is in any cute! The song was written by Barry and Perry Botkin DeVorzon originally nazvanPamuk theme from the movie Bless the beasts, but later became known as Nadia
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