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Norton Ghost 15

Norton Ghost helps you back up your entire hard drive or selected folder on another partition, a network drive or media backup in Norton Ghost eksternal.Membuat easy. The program is executed step by step wizard the first time you run it, which will guide loa through the process and provide you with all the options you can set up many different tasks tersedia.Anda backup Norton Ghost, as need, each oftheir own configuration. Mudahterjadwaland backups can be recovered at any time if worst comes to worst. Of course, NortonGhost can change these settings later from the menu konfigurasi.Norton Santo can create an exact copy of a hard drive (with all files, programs and settings available). By making a backup of the entire disk, Norton Ghost will also create a path of recovery that will enable recuperarsistema if something goes beres.Efisieni easy to use as it is, Norton Ghost memerlukansatuSingle: patience. Backups can be slow, so you may have to leave the program running in the background while doing something else or better yet, schedule backups to take place when you do not need to use PC.Norton Santo is a tool backup is a reliable, robust and easy to use, that does not prevent losing important files in case of disaster computer.

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