About the game:
The victory is close at hand! Its ability to lead its nation is their ultimate weapon, the heart strategy game Iron IV you can take command of every nation in World War II; The most conspicuous conflict in world history.
From the center of the game to the command center, your nation will lead to fame and war, negotiate or merge. Still has the power to replace the actual Second World War.
It’s time your abilityTo show as leader of the army of mundo.Por please again fywneu’n change history? Please change the fate of the world to achieve victory at any cost?
Key Features: Overall strategic war: war is won, not only in the country, sea and air. It is also achieved in the hearts and minds of men and women.
Authentic real-time simulation of the war: Let the greatest commanders of the 2nd World War fight to their war with the tools of the times; Tanks, airplanes,Ships, new weapons destruction.
Take control of calqueranación: Choose one of the greatest forces to fight for victory, or small nations that are trying to resist the storm.
Transformation of the world in its struggle: the experience of the time of the Second World War in full topographical map with the seasons, the weather and the landscape. Snow, mud, storms can be strong and his ally unforgiving enemy.
Negotiate or impose hisWill: Experience the highest policy and diplomacy systems, formed fractions, participate in the exchange of resources and appoint ministers of his party.
IntensivoCombate Online: Battle in both competitive and cooperative multiplayer mode for HM Customs and Excise 32 players. Includes a multi-platform multiplayer.
Give your nation unique advantage: Experience the flexible technological system, in which all the great powers are clear their own identity. tankAnd aircraft developed by detailed historical and military experience.
All received: Poland: United and ready:
Free DLC adds a single focus to a tree Poland, 3D models for novatanques and aircraft, assets and 2D portraits added to the ultimate historical accuracy
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