DS3 Tool can connect the PlayStation 3 SIXAXIS or DualShock controller to your machine Windows. It supports USB and Bluetooth, and allows up to four gamepads to be connected.
Easy menubuhkanMenyediakan your manager is quite simple. DS3 tool once you start, you shouldpad set into the computer (it’s also the easiest way to connect a Bluetooth connection to the controller), then click on Insert to mengaktifkannya.Untukprawf active z’yednannyaVibratsiya test terdapatbutang. A quick click on this to see vibrating pad – confirmedinstructions everything works. Once installed, you can use the remote control in any game as you want official controller Microsoft.
interface design Chaos haraMalangnya DS3 Tool unstructured and somewhat swollen. With nothing really did not hold together, you get the feelingevery time a developer thinks rhywbethmaent added just give in without thinking twice kebolehgunaan.petunjukinikekurangan to Unity interface, which makes it difficult for the less tech savvy users to navigate. Not that I really complains, DS3 Tool is a free application that you want to filla gap in the market.
Management Software is used to protect existing problems konsolMungkin interface and some banner ads annoying, but DS3llyfn tool and allows them to choose the PlayStation 3 controller for use on their PC easily.
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