Focus on the uniqueness
Your soul, the uniqueness, your well-being is something that you can understand logically.
It is abstract, it happens
Something you have to EMOTIONAL recognition.
It’s something you have to EXPERIENCE.
This is what TenGame is all about.
It is there to get you back in touch with
It is there to take you back with those you really connect
It is there to take you back to your seat of power.
As long as you are stuck in “making”, the game will always beFeelblank.
It goes on
indeed will ynbyth
Will never
You have to contact you again.
They do not you think
Not what society wants
Not with so you have trained MOCK
But with YOU – the REALLY her.
You can not try to fill the gap by looking outside.
You have to look TU.
If you have
When you are new, and see, the truth is:
You probably do not know where
So many thereOutside information it is easy in the weeds.
This isbig misunderstanding when it comes to learning the game:
You think eichrhaid you go. … after
You do not have to go through “being” and “doing” to get to “that” …
Everything comes from
As soon as you type into your existence, all else flows from there.
You do not have to waste learning new techniques, tips, tricks do not work all this time – all you doMASSIV IMPRAKT starts from the beginning because it will come fromright place.
If you
If you’re an intermediate, you probably already know what to do – and that’s uniony problem.
You’ve “done” while you focus on the wrong “is”.
And we will take the “do” and move to the right “that”.
You will find that all these little habits, all these techniques, all these things you have said is from the WRONG PLACE, and as soon asthe point where they come from – your results will change BLASTING
It will change your focus back TenGameto the things that really matter, and takes you back in touch with the things that make the game experience so nice in the first place.
This ynyw what will give you this consistency
If you have an intermediate level, you’ve had some good nights, you have these epic experiences that you have played the game.
And you want more.
With TenGame can – andYou will.
Once you are FOCUSING on that, you will not have a bad night out again
If you
when youhave moved on, everything revolves around the shades.
The further you are, the less obvious the tone becomes:
The mood in your way of thinking, the mood in your progress and your arlliwiauyn
Add – you are the best of all your friends, all the best of your wings – no one to lead you on, no one to identify these tones.
ITIS is much more difficult to go from one to ten out of ten than to go from one to one 6 of 8.
In TenGame, I’ll show you these nuances, I willsharpening, and I will show you exactly where you can get maximum leverage to pull your game up.
The subtle tweaks, adjustments, precision – THAT is what you get from TenGame.
The focus TenGame
ywfynd you RESULTS.
This means – not TenGame concerning the SWM content, but the QUALITY.
More and more things too
All it does is you deviate from the essence, it makes you discouraged from expressing, from unleashing
Hence TenGame is built on CONCEPTSTEN CORE!
Instead of focusing on all the little details (the micro-concepts), the focus on the concepts of TenGame MACRO.
This gives you enough flexibility to find out just how unique, rather than paralyze every time you go!
agyda theseConcepts at your fingertips, no longer need to guess your way through life – you just know
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