Release Information
– Language: Inglesa (en-US)
– Channel: Volume License
– Version:
– Architecture k86 / K64
– In the 64-bit version:
– In the 86-bit version:
– Tools Direct: English, French, Spanish
– Update August 2, 2016 (Critical Updates)
Configure custom default (using a slightly modified batBTI – Office Customization Tool)
– Shortcuts – to put all the Office 2016 shortcuts in the start menu default Start Menu folder barwionegono.
Podešavanjeprilagođavanjethe attached file to a folder shortcuts in Office 2016 Microsoft sartuOffice 2016 and Office tools into subdirectories Tools
– Options The default setting for all programs and functions installed by default, Skype, Business and Office Telemetry except ** – as you obviously want to edit all configuration options
* Skype for Business (why accident install, or accept the “optional update” from Microsoft Update) installed
rzeczUstawienia defaultwill instaliratiSkipe for business, if your computer is already installed or not skip business customers.
BaduzuEnpresa choose to install Office settings Skype, which will last for Skype, you wonder where it starts to fit Skype for Windows, install it on a Skype conversation to set the Bing search engine and MSN as your home page, and then asks you to sign.
Danahasmena starts here. Which account you choose? You have chosen to SkypeJeśli name and there are (/ home Personal)bill hoćekonfigurišete use a computer to use two identities – Skype on your personal account and Skype for Business for their work. If you choose a Microsoft account, you will need to create a new Live ID email address Zurel – something you probably do not want to work.
** Office Telemetry (why they do not want share data)
Telemetry Dashboard file names and the names on the list of the most frequently used documents, personal information or confidential information displayedUser bakoitzekoErabiltzaile organizacije.Imena or accessories and other solutions which are used by the Office are also shown.
Inventory Agent telemetry, use and other applications for data collection and add the shared folder, where it is known as the service processor and SQL database to prozesatuTelemetria. Telemetry panel connected to this database, so that the office files, plug-ins and rozwiązańkorzystać can show.
– KMSpico + Microsoft ToolkitBeta 5 (activators)
– UBitMenu Customizer (adds Bulegoa2003 Office 2016 style toolbars and menus) – Free for private use
– Previous versions Uninstallers (Office 2016 to 2013, 365, 2003, 2007, 2010)
– Mute / Restore “login” option Office file (reg)
– Mute / restore Office 2016 Telemetry file (reg)
– ShellNevHandler (errazakendu New Microsoft_ context Ksmenu Windows Explorer)
source file
– Ks86
– X64
Compatibility with previous versions
Parallelversions of Microsoft Office 2016 Edition is the ability to remove.
Part of the research and the installer will remove all previous versions and components dutezaharrenei. Earlier versions of Outlook 2013/2010 Publisher in 2016.
In other words, do not mix versions of Office.
You can use the Microsoft Fikit manually uninstall / remove / previous version of Office (included in the folder bonus) removed.
tobeharsistema to remove all traces of Office.
But Microsoft Update EmploymentVolume 2016 Issue
As Click2Run editing, editing, Tom is no other access to the application (Account – bills – Update File) through the offer.
VL version of Office 2016 to get updates, turn on the “Get eguneraketakWindows Update Microsoft Update” and other products.
System requirements
– 64-bit version only works on 64-bit systems
– Operating system: Windows 10 SP1 + 10 servers, Server 2012 R2 / 2012 / 2008R2,
– Version NET: NET necessary. Some features may require.NET CLR or be installed
-Obrišiinstalatu Version Uninstallers (folder bonus) and again if necessary using the
– Up / burn / extract ISO file
– Installation of Office
– Activation KMSpico / Microsoft Toolkit Beta 5
– Mute / restore Office 2016 Telemetria- Batu reg file “Mute / restore 2,016 jobs telemetry (applies komputeraPo restarted)
– Mute / Restore “login” option Office- Merge reg file “Mute / Restore log ‘(nakonrestarta effective machine)
– Installation UBitMenu Customizer (optional)
– Run ShellNevHandler (easy to remove New Microsoft_ Windows Explorer context menu)
- Microsoft Office 2016 32 Bit torrent download