Zhong arrest the evil lord of the realm – Spark, a young monkey and his friends, Chunk and Vix, is on a mission to recover Planet Bana. Thirteen years ago, the power-mad General Zhong took control of the planet Bana and tore pieces of the process. Now that the time is divided into hundreds of pieces, Zhong-Bana lord of evil is ruling with an iron fist. Enter Spark, a young monkey and his friends, Vix, battle dragons, and Chunk, pigs tech-savvy. Zhong trigger a riikastenpiztia programatomar powercreate black holes – known as Kraken is a large space monster capturing world. As Zhong managed to harness the power of the Kraken will deadliest weapon in the hand of history, and it is about him and his friends to stop sparks. Spark led him to travel the world, where you see great danger and discovers his true identity secret from more distant places. action-packed space adventure full of humor and heart, Daerantzukizun story of a boy who takes a faíscae in the process foundits place in the world.
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