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Age of Mythology Extended Edition

Playing in one of the squares in this game in the classic historical strategy real time. Organize your forces to sampling and immortal mortal alike as they seek conquest and domination. Victory goes to those who built the army advanced and put to good use with the favor of the gods.

Big game RTS game

One of great RTS games the past decade, Age of Mythology. Next players build cities praktyke’n general that can support its economy and turned to permitenLoscreu units. The unitsThis will be used to fight and defeat any opponent of the objectives on the map. The game allows you to progress through four different ages, each giving access to different buildings and units every advantage or stronger than the previous age. Create units as mythical Minotaur and Cyclops create characters hero and win the favor of the gods mythical roepingaf his anger against his enemies.

Single or Multiplayer

Play through the story campaign Ageo Mythology appreciate the deep plotrewarding with interesting characters. Hone your skills against AI players to dive into multiplayer combat your friends or strangers via LAN or Internet. Age of Mythology is, the way to play with you!

age vanMitologie EX (c) Microsoft Studios

05/2014: ….. .. PROTECTION …….: SteamCEG

1: ………. DISC (S) .. ……..: Simulation / Strategy

The classic real-time strategy game players transported to that unhamomento

gods and heroes battle with chwedlonolangenfilodintervention

affairs of mortals. Use mythological creatures like Cyclopes and Minotaur

to strengthen the power of their armies. Call the gods for help

flattening enemy towns with meteors or scattering with opposition forces


The Extended Edition includes:

Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology: The Titans

Golden Gift campaign

New Extended Edition in:

improved graphics

Time of day

improved water


chocarMapas / simulation

global relief

Ambient occlusion smooth

integrationfull Steamworks

Workshop director mod



trading cards

Alliances / Badges / Events

cloud save

advanced features

twitch integration

Off Treaty

afverbeterde observer


1. Download

2. Install the game.

3. Copy the entire content of cracks to crack the / Image

Your game installation guide

4. Play the game

5. Other 4 SEED !!


OS: Windows Vista, 7 +

Processor: GHz

Memory: 1 GB RAM

Graphics: DirectX 10 GPU capability +

DirectX: Version10

Hard Drive: 3 GB of available space

Sound Card: Direct X compatible sound card

Additional notes: GPU, at least (Integrated HD 3000, X1950, 8600GT)


OS: Windows 7 +

Processor: GHz

Memory: 4GB RAM

Graphics: Direct X 11 +

DirectX: Version 11

Hard Drive: 5 GB of available space

Additional notes: GeForce 9800, Radeon 4850+

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