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Facebook Pro 4

Facebook Pro is a program that you can easily use your favorite social network without a browser. No need to install, and no options.

All in Facebook applications

After leaving Facebook Pro, the application instantly download your Facebook page. User experienceexactly what you expect: you can log in and read his paper, send private messages, status updates and suaconfiguracion accounts, including Facebook tool changes.

Unfortunately, options programaposebni, but also new opportunities to influence the ability to use the network.

Tray Icontasks

As an application, the icon for Facebook Pro is connected to Vindovstaskbar. This means that you can easily access Facebook browsers equally classic is not open.

This is not really necessary

It’s always helpful to Facebook and readily available Isván taskbar, then on Facebook Prosoftware for you.

Unfortunately, there is no big demands to know: The software is only a window to enter the social network, and nothing more. In addition, many of the sources faceloUsando; During the test has about 130MB of RAM, which is a lot for such a limited application.

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