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WinRAR 64 bits

WinRAR is a program that can beused to open, create and unpack RAR, ZIP and other file formats. The latest version also supports the new RAR5 compression algorithm.

Why use WinRAR?

WinRAR is a program for thatcompresses files that take up less space on a hardDisk. It supports three compression formats, ZIP, RAR, and the new RAR5 format; Introduced with this version, RAR5menawarkan better compression ratio.

WinRAR provides Opcion ofprotecting compressed files with password using the AESencryption A256 bit algorithm. Ideal for hidingyour files from prying eyes!

This application can alsoCreate self-extracting files or files that are automatically unpacked with a double-click, as well as functions includingimproved forrepairing corrupted files.

Dalamberhubung with decompression functions, WinRAR supports 15 different formats: RAR, ZIP, 7-Zip, ACE, ARJ, BZ2, CAB, GZIP, ISO, JAR, LHZ, TAP, UE,XZ and Z.

Select the menu and allows you to verydetailed youconfigure all aspects of the program. It would be useful for the most demanding users, but could end up confusing experts areless.

Opening and creating compressed files? Majorfungsi WinRAR is easy to get from the top of the interface: Wizards, Virus Scan,Presents TOADD RemoveFiles, and make the file / Self-extracting.

To open a compressed file, simply right-click the file, click Extract files, and select the destination folder. You can run and thenonce WinRAR live in the program, double-click on the file you wantTo unpack. Unpacking failboleh did more simpleby using thewizard.

To create a compressed file, however, you can right-click and select Create archive / WinRAR, right-click on the file you want to compress and select Engadirarquivar. In order to filethat, whichUnpacks up, just click on the WinRAR self-extracting interface and click OK.

WinRAR integrates with WindowsExplorer, and can perform compression / decompression of files using the entire OneClick context menu.

The design of the program is obsolete and outdated has not changed Forthis lastVersion.

All you need to compress and decompress files

The most important innovation is the introduction of emission inthislatest format RAR5compression it. It should be noted, however, that files created with this format can only be opened by WinRAR users. WinRAR is compatible with Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP, andInstallation file Compatibility with 32 and 64 bitsystems. In addition, you can integratewith the installed antivirus on your computer, as well as support for various formats.

UnlikeZipGenius or 7-Zip, WinRARnon is free, but does not includemany more features and configuration options. Compared to competitors, such asWinZip, WinRARperkhidmatan are excellent and the best compression ratio and speed.

In short, this requires compressions / programwith effective additional functions, then WinRAR is the way.

WhatNew in WinRAR supports the following formats


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