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IceCream Screen Recorder PRO v4

Pro 32bit ys styling Print recorder, 64bit multilingual

Ys is screen recorder software for ten permite catturare qualsiaei an area of ​​mutual schermo video files in a single image.

The whole set of application 501 instrument Optionally important antioxidant utilizzare cattura di schermo intellek.

The ice cream in the HD video recording gioco di styling Print puo recorder, video and tomorrow webinar, scattare image and in many other areas so quickly and easily.

Catturaimmaginidallo schermo, Giochi records,Creating screencast, video tutorials Video reviews on the site say interest in Windows software.

Funzionali the programs:

District mark

To create a single video with the image or Ponte dello schermo un’area or click on the Semplice links.

Instrumente di disegno

Disegna, Sottolinea, Ripresa Add your delle frecce to the video screen or in a jar, and your AI.

Chronology project

Tutti Agli And if I see the image of the fast access it is registeredIn the records.

But he gives the recorder of the night, envious che body cos’altroScreenProprium

I hear impostazioni

Regola suoni system volume and the microphone wants.


The path of the GII nail servant appunti Skype or the image of a man, and he suddenly condividili.


Icon on the desk and will be Nascondi runner-up and, if necessary, disattiva Engine.

URL in Screenshots

GII reactivate when the icy image server programs Semplice Ottieni click on the shortcut and relatedWith condividilo tuoi and friends.

The key to them, and in a short while, of the image cats, is your schermo and GII.

ScreenUt lets you capture an area of ​​the program is a recorder on the screen in a video file or image.

Program also offers the full set of options and tools, professional shooting on the screen is intuitive and easy to use.

‘Collaborative text ys recorder can draw video clips, videos and webinars, Skype, and it’s much faster and easier to get screenshotsto catch.

Screen capture images, play, create screencasts, instruction menu, I do not know websites to create reviewsplenus screen or window software.

The features of the program:

Choose area

Choose an area of ​​the screen to create, just click on the video screen.

Design tools

Drag, dot, or arrows, or add text to images while shooting video.

History project

All photos and videos have quick access to the memory.

Ice cream recorder that makes styling text so special?

Audio settings

AccommodateThe whole volume of macro environment.


Nisiscreenshot parade it immediately on the clipboard, and via either one.


Or hide desktop icons and turn off the cursor Engine.

URL in Screenshots

Good with your servant, the dog, just click on the pictures of programs Send a cold that I can spoil quickly by the link and your friends, along with him, partners of it.

Use of places, with the pen to take screenshots of the screen.


Windows 10 operating system, 8, Windows 7, Windows2003, Windows 2000, Windows 8, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008

Intel, Intel qualsiae is compatible with other processes and frequency di / pi richiesto capable of making laptops;

512 MB RAM good (1 GB consigliato); 300MB of 30MB di spazio sull’hard free world.

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