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AMCap 9.22

AMCap still source video from your webcam and save it directly to your hard drive.

With AMCap, you can easily record hard-coded video as MPEG2 or AVI format for the necessary codecs. Interesting options eraillmegis ability to take screenshots or addSpecial effects on the image (graphic overlay, alpha blending, transparency, etc.).

However, we found AMCap a little lie. Maybe myOchikuyetsya something else: monitoring tool or webcamrhywbethpo this way. But we do not honestly find AMCap, which is helpful. It even allows youTake screenshots automatically after a certain amount of time. In addition, the video takes a lot of space, so you have a big hard drive ready!

AMCap – Tool lets you capture video symlsy’n from a webcam for any purpose. If you are looking for webcam monitoring, you have toAre looking elsewhere.

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  1. AMCap 9.22 Windows 7/8 torrent