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The Stray 2017

Wandering tells the true story of how a cock dog, Pluto, coming out now and affects the family Davis, who is struggling in many ways. After a while, Surprise Pluto manages to save a young child, bringing comfort and a companion to the boy,which is 9 years, helping to restore the marriage, and repair broken baby son. Plutium is not just a protective dog – he is an angel guardian. Sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places. Sometimes our prayers answeredin odd ways. Sometimes a dog myanyaevso.

SquareFollowing canceled the Swedish monarchy, the palacePalace has now turned into an art museum. Respectable curator, Christian, is a special father of two, that support good causes. Area, his next exhibition in the museum, invites people to the victims, reminding them to practice self-control. However, all may not liveto his ideals as a stupid answer Christian robbery led to his phone in a shameful situation. He was thrown in a positive awayfurther crisis together zmuzey when a public relations agency creates unexpected company The Square.

Language: English / Swedish / Danish

Subtitles: English


General Published: November 23, 2017

Genre: Drama

The duration of 2 hours 24 minutes

Distributor: GSC Movies

Starring: Class Explosions, Elisabeth Moss, Dominic West, Terry Notary

Director: Ruben Stund

Format: 2D

Small but expensive ash and animal friends become seamless heroesthe firstChristmas SonyPictures Animation’S star is small, but advazhnayapopel called It takes pride in a life beyond their daily feeding in the village. Once he finds the courage to break free, and finally goes on an adventure of your dreams. On its way, it coincides with Ruth, attractive sheep losttheir flocks and Dave dove high aspirations. Together with three sleepy chamels and some impatient static animals, after all, her new friends follow a star and become heroesAccidental in the greatest stories ever told – the first Christmas.

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