On Friday, February 15, on Friday, February 15, Black Pantherfans could be the first to see the new Marvel Studios in RealD 3D at an open party. One or more hours, instead of watching a movie, visitors will see exclusive content, collect coins and younger albums. Popcorn.
T’Challa,after his father’s death, he returns home to Vakand, develops a developed and technologically developed African nation and takes the place where the king and the throne have won. After the event in the Russian captain America: Civil War, King T’Challa returns to revitalize African-developed technologicaldeveloped countries in Vacanden to become a new leader in their country. However, T’Challa will soon find out that it will question a handful of factories in their own country. When both enemies want to wake up Wakanda, a hero known as “Black Panther” agent Everett K. Rosom and specialthe strength of the members of the Vakandaniva Dora Mile of the undivided Vakandia for the Prevention of World War II. They must meet together.
Everet K. Ros and Dora Mila found their unique vacation to avoid falling into the world of war indarrakHerrialdeak.
Language: English
Subtitle: Na
Classification: N.A.
Generalinformation Date of issue: 15 February 2018
Genre: drama / science fiction
Duration: Not available
Distributor: Valt Disnei Pictures
Cast: Chadvick Bozeman, Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Niong, Danai Gurier, Martin Freeman, Daniel Culhui, Letras Vright, Vinston Duke, Angela Bassett, VoodVhitaker, Andi Serkis
Director: Rian Kugler
Format: 2D
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